Rural Yard


In this section we can see domestic animals that used to be accommodated in a traditional Cypriot yard. Such animals are donkeys, sheep, goats, cows, rabbits, and more. These animals have been raised by Cypriots for centuries and they provided people with necessities which were essential for their survival, such as meat, milk, eggs, skins and wool.

Indications show that the inhabitants of Cyprus would raise certain species of domestic animals. The inhabitants domesticated animals throughout the prehistoric era and particularly the 7th millennium B.C., during the Aceramic-Neolithic Period. Domesticated animals were pigs, sheep, goats and donkeys, as well as other species. The ox has also been used in Cyprus since the early Bronze Age, around 2500 B.C. 

These prehistoric people, who knew the art of navigation, had traversed the sea and came here, bringing with them their household and cattle. It is known that animals, such as goats and sheep, had already been domesticated in the nearby region of the Middle East, during the Mesolithic Era (10,000 - 12,000 B.C.). This Era is the beginning of colonization of the Mediterranean by Man.  
